Mini Laptops


Laptops are miniature sized and portable computers which can be accessible and usable everywhere and anywhere and it has got no tension of elaborate wiring system. They have created a revolution in the concepts of computing while being mobile. Smaller versions of these laptops are known as palmtops or hand tops and they are very easy to hold and carry in palms of hands. They have less weight, smaller screens, smaller keyboards and mouse movements are much smaller in movement space than average laptops.

They do not work as efficiently as average laptops. They have much less processing speed of about 1.2 GHz to 1.7GHz and their hard disk storage is also very low which ranges from 20GB to 120 GB. Their system memory and RandomAccessMemory RAM ranges from 128 MB to 1024 MB. But their optical drives can read CD – audio, data, video and photo and DVDs of all kind. They also have inbuilt modem for connecting to Internet using dialup facility of windows. Usually they have only one to four expansion USB ports for expansion. These can be upgraded and customized according to the user’s need. These mini laptops are usually used by businessmen and their employees who do a lot of traveling. Advanced mini laptops, offering more features are much expensive from the rest. Mini laptops of all kinds can be bought from almost all computer vendors all over the nations or can be bought online on ecommerce trading websites like Amazon and e-Bay. Renowned manufacturers such as IBM ,Toshiba, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Appl, and are already here in the market to pamper their customer with choices and offer quite a large and wide range of mini laptops to choose from.

Prospective buyers must evaluate their own needs before buying mini laptops. Various websites which sell these mini laptops provide detailed specifications, information, and price details about mini laptops together with ratings and reviews from experts. Newspapers, forums, magazines, fairs etc., also provide buyers with detailed analysis and specific merits and demerits of mini laptops.


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